Chris Kortlander. Author

Christopher Kortlander, author of Arrow to the Heart, owns the historic town of Garryowen, Montana on the Custer Battlefield. He has been the founding director of the Custer Battlefield Museum for over 25 years, a dealer in rare and historic artifacts for over 30 years, and is a former law enforcement officer.

He has received such prestigious awards as the Public Service Presidential Award from the Clinton administration in 1995, the Montana Governor’s Award for Tourism Person of the Year in 2004, and was the Personal Assistant to Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow when he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008.

The author, his town, and his personal story have been featured on such prominent television channels and news sites as: CNN, Fox News, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, BBC, The History Channel, TIME Magazine, and The Huffington Post among several others. Christopher Kortlander has also had feature stories written about him in such well-respected newspapers as: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Daily News, Denver Post, New York Post, Rocky Mountain News, Malibu Times, Deseret News, Chicago Tribune, and LA Times among many others.


Chris Kortlander, Author

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