Arrow to the Heart

The Last Battle at the Little Big Horn:
The Custer Battlefield Museum vs. The Federal Government

Arrow to the Heart is the new, non-fiction book by Christopher Kortlander that tells the gripping account of how he fought off the federal government and exposed a vast conspiracy of corruption and espionage.

In the spring of 2005, a federally orchestrated raid took place at the small, historic town of Garryowen, Montana. Christopher Kortlander owns and operates Garryowen and was the focus of the raid. He was suspected of selling valuable historical artifacts with false provenance and illegally possessing eagle war feather bonnets and Native American artifacts. Kortlander vigorously fought this criminal allegation and eventually revealed a vast conspiracy of government corruption and espionage.

He also exposed stunning connections between the Custer Battlefield Museum raid, the Gibson Guitar raid, and a raid in rural Utah (Operation Cerberus Action) that led to the suicides of multiple people.

Arrow to the Heart differs from competing books in that it brings new and never before published information exposing government corruption at the highest levels. No other book attempts to do this. Arrow is written in an entertaining narrative highlighted by stunning never before published photographs that help to enhance the reader’s experience.


Who is the Author

Christopher Kortlander, author of Arrow to the Heart, owns the historic town of Garryowen, Montana on the Custer Battlefield. He is the founding director of the Custer Battlefield Museum for over 25 years, a dealer in rare and historic artifacts for over 30 years, and a former law enforcement officer. He has been featured in more than 100 publications, news programs, and local and national television.

Stay tuned for various nationwide events and engagements where you can hear Chris Kortlander speak on the unbelievable government overreach and the malfeasance of federal agents that is disclosed in his book.


The Story Continues...

There's more to the story! Discover a roundup of supporting news from other media sources that surround the stunning info found in Chris Kortlander's book Arrow to the Heart. With so much publicity in recent years covering the Gibson Guitar raid, the Cliven Bundy Ranch Standoff, the Four Corners Raids, and the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, this book has been released at a critical time when the nation is experiencing anxiety over government overreach, federally controlled lands, and citizen’s dissatisfaction with losing the American way of life.
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